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发布日期:2024-01-16  浏览次数:

Buffett said that investment and financial management are important, and Buffett is very simple. The difference between us and Buffett is whether we insist on doing what we love. Important words usually seem simple but are difficult to do.

But Warren's principle is to take action when you have an idea. Parents are the best teachers, what influence does Buffett's family have on him? Buffett's father Howard worked at a securities firm, which influenced his interests and hobbies. His father is honest, socially responsible, and passionate about politics. When Buffett was supposed to pay his first tax, he refused his father's suggestion to pay it on his behalf. He chose to take on his own responsibility alone. He regarded tax equality as his second career throughout his life.

Buffett also inherited the qualities of his father's love for thinking, a spirit of questioning, a love for reading, but not blindly believing in the words of teachers and books. I have gained rich knowledge in finance through reading and practice before entering university.

Buffett's childhood was oppressive. Because in the year she gave birth to him, her mother Lila's personality changed greatly due to her sister's death, and she scolded her child harshly and frequently. Buffett, who is already gentle in nature, spends more time reading. As an adult, Buffett still avoids his mother and is unwilling to spend time with her alone.

Buffett's missing maternal love was to some extent compensated for by his aunt, who was very fond of him as an economics professor and also taught him a lot of knowledge.

A psychological counselor said that with a loving family, children can develop themselves well.

There is a passage in the book that goes, "No matter what changes occur in family life, Buffett's heart is filled with a child who is intelligent, introverted, sensitive, and hardworking. He fears change as much as he fears growth.".

The growth here should not be progress, but aging. The world's richest man wants to live a long life the most. In the book, it is said that "he is a powerful ancient figure with a strong inner self.".

I have been exposed to a lot of stock books recently, and the more I have been exposed to them, the more regretful I feel. During my college years, I also read a lot of books, but I kept my distance from stock books (thinking that I am not capable or capable). Unfortunately, I did not have such awareness at that time.

This book has a bit more theory, some of which are difficult to understand. I try to remember it first, leave some impressions in my mind, and deepen my understanding when I see it later. Some theories are not currently applicable, so I will only select some that are useful for current practice.

After reading Buffett's investment philosophy, I firmly believe in a belief that investment relies on continuous learning, research, and independent thinking. Reading, reading more, listening more, thinking more, believing without being superstitious, and combining it with practice is the true meaning of reading in life.

Learning from Buffett is more about philosophy and mindset, playing stocks, and more about grasping human nature and overcoming personal weaknesses. Gradually, we will find that the stock market also gives us a strength to maintain a stable mindset and deliberately avoid weaknesses in our personality, allowing us to achieve growth time and time again.

Thank you to Buffett for letting me know: we need a long-term vision, make value investments, see the long-term value of life and career, and not be tempted by immediate benefits; Learn to be independent on your own

After listening to others' opinions, one should verify their thinking and make their own value judgments;

Even if our own judgments and choices are sometimes wrong, we are not afraid that the process of thinking will bring us a different experience; Persist in what you have chosen, and also strengthen your beliefs.