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    • 大咖园地


发布日期:2014-08-27  浏览次数:

Bird, Bird, would you lend me a pair of wings

Bird, Bird would you lend me a pair of wings,

I am not as voracious as you, to reach the heaven,

I just want to catch a glimpse of sky.

Leap on the surface of the ocean,

I promise, if you lend me a pair of wings for just one day,

I will sing the best song,

Kiss the warmest sunlight,

And fly and fly but with a stop

Bird, Bird would you lend me a pair of wing,

You don’t know how I envy you.

You can linger in the sky,

But do you cherish your luck chance?

Unlike me,

Who is deeply rooted on the earth,

Who long for the brightness and good,

But can not reach it,

Even if I climb the ladder,

For no ladder can reach the heaven,

Including Babylon Tower.

--------------------May 25th ,2014


(作者:佚名 编辑:waiguoyu)